Incontinence & LBL

How To Be Prepared For Light Bladder Leaks (LBL) On A Vacation

Written by Lisa Ellis
23 Mar, 2020
3 min. Read
How To Be Prepared For Light Bladder Leaks (LBL) On A Vacation

How To Be Prepared For Light Bladder Leaks (LBL) On A Vacation

You may be looking forward to your upcoming vacation but are also worried that your bladder issues could flare up while you are there. The good news is that you don't need to be afraid. The experts say that there are some easy steps you can take to ensure you have a great time away from home.

Prepare to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

You probably realize that bladder issues can become even more pronounced when you step out of your comfort zone. This is because at home, you may have an effective system in place to manage those trigger zones. But when you head for new destinations, you can face added stress about possible leakage, in large part because you will be dealing with a variety of unknowns. For instance, maybe you're worried about where the bathrooms will be located in each new place and how easy it will be to access them.

Take Control

You don't have to allow all of this uncertainly to stop you from enjoying your journey. First, you may want to talk with your doctor about your concerns and find out if any of the latest treatment options would be a good fit for your situation. Medication and behavioral therapy can make a real difference. Other things you can do include packing the right items and taking some of the easy steps offered below so you can minimize your risks.

Be prepared for anything by having the following supplies on hand:

  • Dark clothing for travel.
  • Absorbent pads and extra pairs of underwear for emergencies so it will be easy to change if need be.
  • A bed pad to help keep the mattress and sheets dry.
  • Laundry detergent so you can hand-wash items in the sink if need be.

Take some key steps to help prevent your symptoms from kicking in:

  • Watch your liquid intake, and also keep caffeine intake to a minimum.
  • Steer clear of spicy foods and those that are high in acid content.
  • Visit the bathroom every few hours so your bladder won't be too full. Also notice where bathrooms are located in each new location, preferably before you need to use one so you will be prepared well in advance.
  • Increase your Kegel exercises (tiny contractions of your pelvic muscles that hold urine and can help prevent accidents), and do them when you laugh, sneeze or cough.
  • Begin taking medications for your condition several days before you leave, so they will have time to be effective.

Keep a Healthy Perspective

If you plan ahead and have some easy supplies on hand, you can rest assured you will be able to handle any situation with confidence and grace. So be prepared, and then try not to think too much about your bladder so you can focus all of your attention on having a great time and getting the most out of your vacation.

Kimberly-Clark makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical or other health professional advice.